26.04.2018 - 26.04.2018

Andy W. dance diagram
Lecturer: Marijana Cvetkovic (Serbia)
26 April (Thursday), 17:00 – 18:30, Structura Gallery
The lecture and the discussion will be in English. Free entrance.
Мore and more highly established visual arts institutions (galleries, museums, biennials) have initiated permanent and already acknowledged dance programs, show dance in exhibition contexts and build stable relations with the dance institutions and experts who have strong positions (and influences) on the dance art world. This lecture will try to answer the questions about the contexts (cultural, political and economic) in which this trend occurred in the Western art centers and what kind of potentiality we can identify in the dance practice for institutional critique. It will take into consideration also the reverse effects of the museum institution on artistic and organizational practices in the dance field. The lecture will present several selected examples and will be based on the analysis of curatorial, artistic and theoretical concepts, proposing a possible entrance to the future research of this rich topic.
Marijana Cvetkovic completed MA in Management in Culture and Cultural Policy at the University of Arts in Belgrade and University Lyon 2, France. She is co-founder of Station Service for contemporary dance, Nomad Dance Academy – Balkan network for contemporary dance, and of the independent cultural center Magacin in Belgrade. She has worked at the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade (strategic development manager) and since 2009 she has been teaching at the UNESCO Chair in cultural management and cultural policy at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Marijana Cvetkovic has initiated and realized various programs and projects in the fields of cultural policy, international and Balkan cultural cooperation, contemporary dance, visual arts and museums.
Teachback/Without Distance Platform in the frame of 11th Antistatic International Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance, (20-30 April 2018), Sofia, is a part of Life Long Burning project, organized by Lokomotiva and Nomad Dance Academy Bulgaria, as representatives of the Nomad Dance Academy Network, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union, ”Culture” Programme of Sofia Municipality for 2018, Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, Goethe-Institut Bulgarien, Red House Centre for Culture and Debate and Structure Gallery.